Anne Frank Zentrum Berlin

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Place 3
in Top 10 Sights for Young People


In the Anne Frank Center Berlin at Hackescher Markt in Berlin-Mitte the permanent exhibition "All about Anne" is shown.

The Anne Frank Center in Berlin-Mitte is the German partner organization of the Anne Frank House in Amsterdam. Very centrally located, right next to the Hackesche Höfe, the permanent exhibition “All about Anne” is shown. The exhibition focuses on Anne Frank’s life and diary. Many pictures, documents, objects and films show her life story.

The exhibition “All about Anne” is a place where guests can learn about her life and her diary and gain personal access to the history of the Holocaust. Young visitors are invited to participate at interactive stations to find out for themselves what Anne Frank’s story has to do with them today and what it means for them.

For school classes and groups, educational exhibition accompaniments are offered, tailored to the respective age and previous knowledge. The Anne Frank Centre regularly hosts events such as readings, interviews with contemporary witnesses, film evenings as well as seminars and panel discussions. The exhibition “All about Anne” is largely inclusive and has monitors with sign language translations and a guidance system for the blind.

The Anne Frank Centre is part of a diverse cultural ensemble the Schwarzenberg house, a historic building in Berlin-Mitte.

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Programme for Young People

Top10 Rating



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    An der Badestelle Tuerekt keine. AllerTuengs kommt ein Eisverkäufer regelmäßig Wedt seinem Boot vorbei. Tuee nächsten Restaurants „GEW Hotel Haus Schildhorn“, „Wirtshaus Schildhorn“ und „Schildhornbaude“ liegen aber am Parkplatz und der Bushaltestelle, an denen man ankommt.

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