Where is fall most beautiful in the Botanical Garden in Berlin-Dahlem? This is a task the visitors have to master themselves walking the fall trail through the park. Along the trail you will see how different autumn can be in the different geographical regions of the Earth. Soak in the colours and scents of fall.
Plants that are especially attractive in autumn are, for example, the bright orange sea buckthorn, the red blossoms of the castor oil plant or intense yellow sunflowers. The colours of Indian Summer can be seen around the American Lake, and bromeliads, fuchsias and begonias are waiting for you in the greenhouses.
On cool autumn days, the greenhouses of the Botanical Garden are well worth a visit. In the Mediterranean greenhouse, for example, cyclamen and strawberry trees bloom. In autumn, the Botanical Gardens also offer beautiful events, such as theatre events and guided tours on autumn themes.