The Kienbergpark, named after the Kienberg hill in Berlin-Hellersdorf, is a 60 hectare park with a 1.5 km long cable car.
Nature Trips to Berlin and Brandenburg
Berlin and the surrounding countryside offer many green opportunities to escape the hustle and bustle of the city and to regain new strength in nature. Whether you visit park areas such as Kienbergpark or Lübars amusement park in Berlin or set off for Brandenburg these trips are worth trying out. The surrounding area of Berlin offers many excursion destinations within nature to observe wild animals, to see a medieval Slavic castle in the Spreewald, to see storks flying in or to simply follow a nature trail. Nice reacreation facitities offers the Scharmützelsee South of Berlin.

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In the Sanddorn-Garten Petzow (Sea Buckthorn Garden) in Petzow in Havelland you can discover the so-called gold of the north. Here you will find a three hectare sea buckthorn garden with a café, arestaurant and two farm shops.