This idyllic water restaurant is located on the Lindwerder Island and can only be reached by boat or ferry.
eating out
Aunt Benny
Banana Bread, Muffins, home-made cheesecake, the most diverse bagel creations matched with delicious coffee or a fresh peppermint tea - be prepared for a breakfast treat at Aunt Benny!
Above all the friends of sweet breakfasts will jump with joy at the Zuckerfee ("Sugar Fairy").
Schiller Café and Bar
Breakfast with bread and bread rolls fresh from the oven - at Neukölln's Schiller Café this is the ideal way of starting your morning with an early breakfast treat.
Loretta on Wannsee
The Loretta on Wannsee is a traditional beer garden which reopened its doors with a new concept in spring 2010.
Fisherman´s Restaurant
Pike fillet, angler, salmon, bass or a prawn potpourri - one of the most popular fish restaurants of Germany's capital is Fisherman´s Restaurant!
Curry mit Biss
This location is closed, please send tips to: [email protected]
Escados – Parilla Grill
Escados Parilla Grill holds the promise its name gives. Freshly grilled tasty specials from the parilla.
The steakhouse Filetstück treats its guests with gourmet beef and lamb: steaks from Freesians, Irish or Pomeranian Cattle can be found on the menu just like lamb fillets from Australia.