With 180 individual stores the ALEXA offers the greatest shopping variety in Berlin! Next to special fashion-brands like Bench, Billabong, VILA or 1982 (only 3 times in Berlin) there are also exclusive shops for cosmetic products by Grüne Erde or Rituals Cosmetics.
Flea Market Arkonaplatz
What about your own flea market booth instead of just strolling across a market? Cleaning out and looking for stuff to sell is making good use of time and splendid fun at the same time!
Ritz Carlton Berlin
The luxury hotel Ritz Carlton Berlin is part of the bold skyscraper architecture directly on Potsdamer Platz.
Good time
The Good time offers you an incredible variety of dishes. Be it fried chicken with pineapple-lychee sauce, baked duck with tiger king prawns or pork with veggies - the choice is never an easy one to make.
Lutter & Wegner
Lutter & Wegner praises its Wiener Schnitzel as "the best Schnitzel outside of Vienna".
Berlin Museum of Medical History
"On the Trace of Life" is the name of the permanent exhibition of the Berlin Museum of Medical History, located directly on the grounds of the Charité, enabling you to travel through 300 years of medical history.
TV Tower Berlin
Berlin's TV Tower is one of the most emblematic sights of the city and with its 368 metres of height not only Berlin's but Germany's highest building.
Your eyes will rejoice at the Sisaket! The kitchen team of this Thai restaurant close to Checkpoint Charlie will decorate the food with extravagant patterns and floral creations.
Marsano Berlin
What would the nicest flowers be without the matching vase?
Röststätte Berlin
The spacious coffee roaster Röststätte Berlin is located in Berlin-Mitte.