If you are cultivating a conscious lifestyle at home, you should take a closer look at the organic Almodovar Hotel in Friedrichshain for your next trip to Berlin.
organic food
The self-made organic pasta by pastapresti can be summed up in one word: addtictive!
Trattoria Ponte Verde
Vegetarian, and upon choice vegan and organic are the Italian recipes of Trattoria Ponte Verde in Neukölln's Richardstraße neighbourhood. Close by for vegetarians are also Café Vux and Sfizy.
Kinder-Wirtschaft – closed
A labyrinth stretching over several storeys which serves at the same time as a climbing parcours and viewing platform turns Kinderwirtschaft into a playing paradise for smaller and bigger children between ages 2 - 6.
The Bowl
The vegan restaurant The Bowl is CLOSED. If you want to suggest a new restaurant, please send us an email: [email protected]