You can find the hottest strippers of the capital in Berlin’s first strip-club just for women – a party at Sixx Paxx Theater & Ladies Club Berlin creates the perfect “Magic Mike” moment.
Neue Odessa Bar
This chic bar on Mitte's Torstraße is chock-full with people in the evenings. It's the right place for you if you are looking for more than only bar atmosphere without wanting to go to a club.
Clubrestaurant Spindler & Klatt
With its lounge atmosphere, the club restaurant Spindler & Klatt on the banks of the river Spree attracts celebrities.
Bi Nuu
Kreuzberg's Bi Nuu is owned by the same people as the Lido and the Astra. Their third venue stands out with Indie Rock concerts of unknown bands and the "Rap on Wednesday" event.
Kreuzberg Pride
Kreuzberg Pride, the alternative Pride March.
Berlin´s Canal Pride
The Gay Pride on the Spree!
Kitty Cheng Bar
High quality cocktails, great atmosphere and lots of opportunities to flirt are guaranteed for a little after work at Kitty Cheng Bar in Berlin-Mitte.
Bar ”Zum schmutzigen Hobby”
The Berlin LGBT Bar "Zum schmutzigen Hobby" ("The Dirty Hobby") located on Friedrichshain's RAW grounds has long attained cult status.
Habel Weinkultur
You can experience a truely royal birthday in the Brasserie Habel Weinkultur - none other than former Prussian king Frederick II. was a regular at this beautiful traditional place!
Madame Claude
You will see the world upside down when you go to the crazy bar Madame Claude in Berlin-Kreuzberg.