If you are fond of black and white patterns, colorblind berlin is the right place for you. You can take any object you want to the small showroom and studio at Berlin-Wedding and have black and white geometric patterns transferred to fabric, mirrors, glass or anything else.
unique christmas presents
Unique Jewellery by Sara Conte
Giving jewellery as a present is not really a new idea, but it depends on the jewellery! The small, very fine pieces of jewellery designed by Sara Conte are absolutely unique and made in Berlin!
The store Perlerei is a place, where friends of arts and crafts can make their own earrings, bracelets and necklaces at unbeatable prices.
In the 1920s perfumer Harry Lehmann developed a unique business idea - individualized perfume!
Supermarché Berlin
In the Supermarché Berlin will definitely no mass-production be found, because everything is handmade here!
Winterfeldt Schokoladen
Chocolate is always a popular gift, but Winterfeldt Schokoladen is a chocolate café in Schöneberg that not only offers the classic chocolate varieties but also extravagant and unusual chocolate from all over the world.
Berle’s Trends & Gifts
The assortment of Berle‘s Trends & Gifts offers anything from a phone clock, over infrared sound systems to roombas - the various sections really hold something suitable for anybody but expect the unexpected.